The buyer persona a thousand times, but have you ever wondered what it really is? Something very curious happens in the world of marketing. We use terminologies and words in English without stopping to think if we are actually clear about what they imply. That is why in this space you will discover in detail what a buyer persona is and why it is so important to define it correctly. What is a buyer persona? A buyer persona can be defined as the ideal customer archetype for a product or service. When you want to close a sale successfully, it is not enough to offer something of quality. You should also know who the person is who can buy it and why they have made that decision. And do you know what the problem is? Virtually no business has really cared about this issue. The archetype of your ideal client: do you know it? When we defined what a buyer persona is, we used a very specific term: archetype. Knowing what type of archetype your client is has many advantages that you can use when preparing your sales proposals. Know your potential client better than he knows himself. Only if you are able to put yourself in his shoes and empathize with him will you achieve results. Work on the message you want to send.
If you don't know what their fears, doubts and problems Colombia Mobile Number List are, how can you convince them that you have the right solution? Optimize your efforts. Being very clear to whom you direct each of your actions will allow you not to waste time, money and efforts. The main problem of many businesses is that first they create their product or service, then they design their communication plan and finally they look for their client. This is a mistake. The proper way to do it and get results is the other way around: You find your ideal client (your buyer persona). You design a communication plan to connect with him. You prepare a product or service that solves their needs. Looking for a Buyer Persona template? Better understand what's behind It is not a coincidence. No. It is no coincidence that one of the most searched searches on the internet is for a template to create a buyer persona. The same thing always happens. Instead of worrying about who is on the other end that you can help with your product or service, most businesses want quick solutions. The problem is that quick solutions never end up giving results that leave you satisfied.
That is why it is much more important to understand what is behind these templates and understand well who your buyer persona is. Know your client better than he knows himself Look. When creating your buyer persona, it is very important that you know both the sociodemographic data and the reasons and motivations that led them to buy your product or service. When they finally dare to take the step, most businesses stay at the first point. They are satisfied with knowing sociodemographic data... and that is why they achieve nothing. The motivations and reasons behind your decisions are much more important. After all, if you don't know why they buy from you, what difference does it make who ? What types of Buyer Persona exist? In the marketing world we love labels. We know that reality is much more complex, but we need to simplify to be able to make the right decisions. That is why the types of buyer personas are usually classified into three types depending on who is the person who makes the decision to buy the product or service. This is a person who makes the final purchasing decision.