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發表於 2023-10-9 12:38:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The big change The core is that Europe is facing doom, invaded by Muslims and other foreigners. This is their picture of reality point . The identitarians speak of Le Grand Remplacement , the great replacement . It assumes that the Europeans are becoming a minority in their own part of the world, attacked by mass immigration of Muslims and other peoples from Africa and the Middle East. The reason is falling birth rates of whites. Multi culturalism s idea that different cultures have intrinsic value and can exist alongside each other is the main enemy.
The identitarians use the term reconquista , which the Catholic Queen Isabel used in when she moible number data expelled the Moors from southern Spain. Here we see the goal point and the strategy point . Purity is their core value point . The identitarians understand themselves as a generation in ethnic disintegration characterized by failed integration and multicultural explosion, victims of the generation s cultural Marxism and the demolition of all authority. Instead, they want to reclaim their heritage of blood, soil and identity . . Actions for purity Dalland goes to different countries to see if the movement is different, but finds no significant national differences.

The human view point is current macho, emotional coldness, low tolerance threshold. It is the identitarians who have pitched tents at the refugee camp in Calais with the sign Go Home, and went out into the Mediterranean to intercept boat refugees with the sign You Are Not Welcome. Even more symbolic was their action in Poitiers in France, where the identitarians marked Karl Martell s victory over the Muslims.


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