Knowing the most used marketing terms today will allow you to better understand this market and, therefore, compete in it efficiently. Discover some of the most common marketing words and use them to your company’s advantage!
The marketing market has a vocabulary full of spec Chinese Overseas Asia Number Data ific terms, words that professionals in the field use and which are often difficult to understand.
Therefore, we made a list of the marketing terms that your industry needs to know .
By better understanding the language of digital marketing, you will be able to stay up to date with market trends.
With this, your company or industry can use the best strategies to your advantage. Are you curious?
So, check out some digital marketing terms below that your industry needs to know:
The meaning is “Business-to-Business”, in Portuguese, from company to company. In other words, they are companies that sell products or services to other companies.
The meaning is “Business-to-Consumer”, in Portuguese, from company to customer. In other words, they are companies that sell products or services directly to end consumers.
The meaning is “Chief Marketing Officer”, in Portuguese, the Marketing director. It is the most desired position within a marketing agency or organization.
The meaning is “Cost-per-Click” or PPC “Pay-per-Click”, in Portuguese it is Cost-per-click. It is a type of internet advertising, where the advertiser pays a certain amount of money every time his ad is clicked.
The meaning is “Call-to-Action”, in Portuguese it is Call to action. It can be text, a button or an image, which induces the website visitor to take an action, such as downloading an ebook, subscribing to a blog or watching a video.
The meaning is “Google Analytics”, it basically consists of a Service provided by Google that generates detailed statistics about the traffic of a website and the source of this traffic, measuring conversions and sales.
The meaning is “Return On Investment”, in Portuguese it is the Return on investment. To calculate ROI, simply follow the formula below:
The meaning is “Search Engine Optimization”, in Portuguese it is the optimization of pages for search engines, such as Google.
There are several techniques that help your website achieve a good position in organic searches on search engines.
They increase the visibility of your website and improve your visitor traffic.
These are just some of the marketing terms that your industry needs to know , there are many others used in digital marketing techniques and actions.