Just yesterday, remote work was a rarity, and only a small part of specialists could afford such a regime. But the rapid development of technology and the pandemic have radically changed the professional world almost overnight. People were forced to work remotely or in a hybrid schedule. The more unexpectedly the conditions change, the more difficult it is to adapt to them. For many, it has become more difficult to work from home due to various factors - family nearby, lack of direct communication with colleagues, blurring the boundaries between work and personal time, decreased motivation. In order not to reinvent the wheel yourself, take free online courses that will help you organize work processes, increase productivity and motivation, and avoid stress.
Remote Work: Ways to Motivate and Increase Efficiency
The lack of familiar communication methods, loss of confidence in the future, working in an unfamiliar home environment are factors that have seriously affected the productivity and motivation of social media marketing service many specialists. Find out in 45 minutes what problems arise when working remotely, what motivation methods exist, and how to build your own development trajectory. Follow the link .
Peculiarities of remote work: time management
The peculiarity of remote work is that some specialists cannot force themselves to work at home, constantly being distracted by household chores, while others become so immersed in work that they begin to work 24/7. To avoid falling into this trap, follow the link .
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Constructive communication in a team
Whatever you say, communication with colleagues suffers greatly in remote work. Skype or Zoom meetings are organized only to discuss work issues, and there is no time left to exchange advice or for abstract conversations. Learn in 10 minutes the basic principles of building constructive communication in a team, regardless of where your interaction takes place - in the office or in a chat. You can start training at the link .
Professional self-assessment: how to correctly assess your place in the team
The labor market is turbulent — old professions are disappearing and new ones are emerging, the office format is being replaced by a remote or hybrid one. Many specialists are finding it difficult to adapt to new conditions and determine their place in a remote team. You can find out about the roles that exist in a team, what competencies are necessary for self-determination, and how to make a career check-up to achieve goals at the link .
The Art of Stress-Free Productivity: How to Maintain Control in a Chaotic World
Remote work can cause no less stress than the same pandemic. During such a period, it is very important to support yourself and stay calm in order to maintain control over the situation. Find out from the free webinar what workflow management practices exist and how to become more organized and achieve greater results without stress, at the link .